miércoles, 18 de agosto de 2021

 Comment 15:

Challenges can be good to help us be more interested, but they can also be harmful if you do not know how to face them properly. This year in particular we have more challenges in our day to day, that we must learn to take them calmly and appropriately.

For example, in the field of COVID-19, our life has changed a lot. From the time of our free time to the workplace. At school this year everything has been different since we can hardly get together, due to the safety distance. This issue is a great global challenge, since in order to return to normality we must be fully involved and respect the rules that we have.

In the academic field, this year I have had and continue to have a great challenge, which is high school, in which we must be fully involved in order to get the best possible grades and get to study what each one wants. The change from last year to this has been very noticeable, both in the way of organization and in everything we have to do.

In conclusion, the challenges right now are very present. These challenges are good to overcome ourselves but we must know how to carry them out and that they do not exceed us.

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 Comment 16: It doesn't take much research to realize that the world is changing, but not just because of the pandemic. The main change ...