miércoles, 28 de abril de 2021

 Comment 06:

I am glad that things are finally beginning to change a bit in Spain and that it is no longer possible to hunt the wolf at least in Spain. All over the planet there are many animals in danger of extinction and others that have already become extinct due to the little care we have had and continue to have, this is truly a disgrace and we should start raising awareness and not only with the animals but with the planet whole, since because of our bad head the planet is very bad.

Félix Rodríguez de la Fuente, also called the Spanish David Attenborough, was a man who had looked for everything that had been previously spoken. This man had made many documentaries about animals and about animals in extinction. He had had television programs and was a naturalist, for all this this person is very well known. He had tried to change many things about animals and finally one of those things had come true, since he had tried that the hunting of wolves was forbidden and it had finally been done.

I think that these extinctions are not going to stop until people will have their eyes and realize what is happening, since there are thousands of species in extinction and very few people do something to change that, that is, both I Like you, we should do more of our part to change the planet.

 Comment 05:

A polyglot is a person who is able to speak many languages. I think these people are incredible because they can travel the world with less difficulty expressing themselves and that must be very good. I also think that speaking many languages ​​is very difficult and I admire the people who do it a lot, since I only speak Spanish, English although not very well and a little French, and for me languages ​​are difficult to learn, but I would love to learn more languages in the future.

Sometimes I stop to think and I realize that these people have had to spend a lot of their lives studying, because although it seems that learning foreign languages ​​is easy, it is really complicated and they have had to work hard and study a lot. But these people have studied correctly, since to learn a language you have to understand it, since it is something of practice, it is not like history that you have to study it by heart but you have to understand it.

A polyglot is a fascinating person since he is capable of travelling and learning cultures from other countries and even continents, so I would love to be one, but that requires a lot of effort and also that you are good at languages, something that I do not know. I'm not good at it.

 Comment 04:

This is an issue that has already been talked about a lot but we have to continue talking about it, since it is necessary to make people aware that it is a very important and serious issue, due to the situation we are experiencing. For this to change, people need to have a conscience and to reason and think about things and above all about the consequences that these acts can have, since it can affect both your friends and your family or people you know very little.

The issue of being ill is now a somewhat forbidden subject, since if you only catch a cold, people look at you badly when you sneeze or turn you away since they think it may be COVID-19. In addition, with any symptom, no matter how small, they will test you to see whether or not you are positive for COVID-19. I think that all this is becoming normalized, since the pcr is already mandatory for almost everything, before you have surgery, when traveling, even for some jobs.

I think we should raise awareness and help people who are not, because we are in a very difficult situation that should already be solved and here it is, after a year.

 Comment 03:

Unfortunately we have and continue to live through very difficult times, since COVID-19 is still present in our daily lives. This is affecting us in many different areas, both economically and socially, and quite importantly, the school environment, due to all the restrictions, teaching is a little slower. In the case of the IES Mediterranean we cannot complain, since all the classes are face-to-face and we try to do everything possible to make the classes look like the ones before.

At our school there have already been several cases, specifically in my class, since some of my classmates have had to stay at home for about ten days or even more, although for different reasons but related to COVID-19, since some have been because they have had it and others because they have been in contact with people who have had it. We have been lucky since the cases of COVID-19 have been controlled very well, it has not even been necessary for anyone to be confined by contact within the school.

I think that for all this situation that we have had to live to improve, we should all do our part, since we do not want to close everything again and that we cannot attend classes in person. All this is very difficult but we must begin to deprive ourselves of many things to begin to see the change. I hope all of this is over soon.

 Comment 02:

Many people see that some animals are not useful in any sense, those that they see less important are normally insects, but it is not like that every animal is important and necessary for the planet, for example when ecosystems are formed if an animal or plant disappears it harms another one and so on.

Bees, as everyone knows, are flying insects, and they have a very important role, and it is not to sting us, we have all been scared when we have seen a bee since we think it is going to sting us, but it does not have to be so.

The role of bees is a very important one, that is, they are pollinating agents, which is essential in the reproduction of plants. A large percentage of plants need their flowers to be pollinated, and the most important pollinating insect is the bee. Honey comes from them, which is a food that everyone has at home and is used for many things, and also wax, which is used for candles and other things.

 Comment 01:

This summer has been strange for everyone, not only this summer but practically the whole year. Who would have thought that we were going to be locked down in our houses for months? That happened and it is happening again. If we watch the news, everything right now is outbreaks throughout Spain.

Education is one of the most talked about topics everywhere, since it is fundamental, that is, of first necessity and cannot be dispensed with since we had enough with the confinement in March, which was a complete chaos for all educational centers .

From my point of view, I believe that if everything is organized properly, maintaining the norms instructed by the centers and by the government, we can control the situation as we have done it all these years.

 Comment 16: It doesn't take much research to realize that the world is changing, but not just because of the pandemic. The main change ...